“Masonic Temple Association of Almont Formed” – February 21, 1916

On February 21, 1916, the Masonic Temple Association of Almont was formed.

Masonry in Almont started on June 24, 1851 when several Master Masons living in and around Almont petitioned the Romeo Lodge to grant a dispensation to create a lodge in Almont.  The dispensation was granted on July 22, 1851 by Most Worshipful Grand Master H. T. Backus.

Seven men were responsible for starting Masonry in Almont: H. D. Fitch, William Colerick, S. P. Spafford, R. J. Goetchius, W. P. Beach, J. B. Johnston and A. J. Miller.  These men signed the initial membership roll on December 4, 1851.

On January 5, 1852, the Lodges first By-Laws were adopted and the first Master was Hiram D. Fitch.

After 18 months under dispensation the Most Worshipful Grand Master H. T. Backus signed the Charter for the Lodge on January 14, 1853.

The Masonic Temple Association of Almont was formed on February 21, 1916.  The initial members elected to serve for three-years terms were Wesley L. Shumar, Arthur J. Fox, and Edwin L. Sawyer.  George Allen, Ralph D. Harris, and James Mitchell were elected to serve two-year terms and Charles M. Shoemaker, Charles B. Scully and Ray Warner to serve one-year terms.

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